5 Reasons to Add Decking to your Garden

Apr 17 2018
Deck Overlooking Garden

Every year, thousands enjoy stepping outside to enjoy the warmth of the summer. However, not everyone has the right kind of garden to sit back and enjoy the weather. Whilst you may have beautiful grass, there might not be any specific area to add furniture.

This is why many people are opting to add decking. It can really bring something to the garden and if you’re worried that it may obstruct the views of your garden there is the option to opt for glass decking. You will still have a place to sit and enjoy the weather whilst not missing out on any views of your beautiful garden.

Whilst this may sound a great idea, you may be questioning as to why you even need to add decking to your garden. Well, we can tell you exactly why with a few different reasons. 

Just for Fun

So we all know that BBQ’s often bring lots of people to our doors and whilst this is a wonderful thing, it can often be hard to make room for everyone. Of course, you can add seats on the grass but that may cause damage to your lawn and, if the ground is uneven, could make it hard for people to stay upright, especially if they’ve had a drink.

However, decking can give you the room you need for your guests. It will give you a flat and stable surface in which to add as many chairs as you can giving each guest a comfortable place to enjoy the party.


However, it’s not always about having everyone over to enjoy the weather and garden. Sometimes we just want to relax outside, especially when it’s too hot to be sat inside. Again you could opt for seating on the grass or perhaps lay a towel to lay on and catch some rays. However, this can be extremely uncomfortable and whilst your garden may look perfect, the surface is anything but.

But again having decking gives you the option to have a comfortable seating area in which to relax. Plus you can also invest in a hammock or outside lounge to lay on. It will be far more comfortable than the ground and you will still be able to improve that tan.

Add to the Beauty

But it’s not always about being comfortable, sometimes it can be about adding beauty to your garden, even if it’s already pretty stunning. You may have a gorgeous garden with lusciously green grass and bright colourful flowers, but ask yourself this – is there something missing?

Decking can add to the beauty of your home, even offering you a space to admire it all. This is why many opt for glass decking as they can enjoy and appreciate their garden from a certain point but won’t miss out on the view.

Making the Most of the Weather

For many, the prospect of being out in their garden fills them with dread. This may because it looks untidy or it could just be that they don’t feel comfortable being outside because they don’t have much space.

Decking can change this. You can forget about having to handle the mess and worrying that it doesn’t look presentable as decking looks great and is easy to care for. It gives you the space to add comfortable outdoor furniture and will even work in smaller gardens, allowing everyone to get out and enjoy the weather.

Investing in the Future

Lastly, it can benefit you later on in life when you may be looking to sell your current home. When families are looking for a new home they, of course, need the right amount of space but they also prefer to have a nice garden space that doesn’t need too much work.

If a home they view has decking in place, this will spark an interest which will hopefully lead to an offer. With space for children to play that doubles up as a haven to unwind and relax, glass decking lends itself to any family home.

So, now you have five reasons why you should add decking to your garden, all that’s left to do is choose what kind of decking will best suit your home. Don’t just settle for the garden you have, make it better.

For more information on the range of decking available from Blueprint Joinery, as well as other products on our website, please get in contact with our team today.

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